.. _Configuration: *********************** Configuration |:tools:| *********************** =================== config.csv =================== Configuring ``config.csv`` is a mandatory step to make GreedyBoy able to work on its own. ``config.csv`` is formatted.... like a csv file. -------------------------------------- Table representation |:man_teacher:| -------------------------------------- +------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | :ref:`apiKey ` | :ref:`apiPrivateKey ` | :ref:`githubToken ` | :ref:`repoName ` | :ref:`dataBranchName ` | +========================+======================================+==================================+===========================================+========================================+ | ``Api_Key`` | ``Api_Private_Key`` | ``Github_Token`` | kevinpruvost/GreedyBoy (**for instance**) | data (**for instance**) | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------- File representation |:file_folder:| ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: apiKey,apiPrivateKey,githubToken,repoName,dataBranchName `Api_Key`,`Api_Private_Key`,`Github_Token`,kevinpruvost/GreedyBoy,data ------------------------------------------------ How to get these informations |:card_file_box:| ------------------------------------------------ .. warning:: Get yourself a `Kraken `_ account because GreedyBoy can't work without it. And also if you don't have a `Github `_ account, create one. In case you didn't have a Github account, then you'll be considered `sussy `_ from now on. .. _apiKey: .. _apiPrivateKey: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ apiKey & apiPrivateKey ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Go on `Kraken Overview `_ and click on your **Name, Security and API** .. image:: _static/apikey/screenshot1.png 2. Click on **Add key** .. image:: _static/apikey/screenshot2.png 3. For the permissions, pick **Query Funds, Query Open Orders & Trades, Query Closed Orders & Trades**, **Create & Modify Orders, Cancel/Close Orders and Access Websockets API** .. image:: _static/apikey/screenshot3.png 4. Then you can finally access your **API Key and API Private Key** .. image:: _static/apikey/screenshot4.png .. _githubToken: +++++++++++++ githubToken +++++++++++++ 1. Go in `here `_ and click on **Generate new token** .. image:: _static/github_token/screenshot1.png 2. Type in **Note** any name you want, just not something too sussy. Then check **repo** for the scopes .. image:: _static/github_token/screenshot2.png 3. Then go down the page and click on **Generate token** .. image:: _static/github_token/screenshot3.png 4. Then it's good to go, you got your **Github Token**! .. image:: _static/github_token/screenshot4.png .. _repoName: ++++++++++ repoName ++++++++++ 1. Go on `github.com `_ and create a **New** repository. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot1.png 2. Configure & Create your repository. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot2.png 3. You can now get ``repoName`` in these 2 fields. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot3.png .. _dataBranchName: ++++++++++++++++ dataBranchName ++++++++++++++++ .. warning:: For this last step, you will need `Github Dekstop `_ or whatever form of ``Git`` you are using (**Git Bash**, **git (package from Linux)**, ...) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Github Desktop |:computer:| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Clone the repository wherever you want .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot4.png 2. If you want to make GreedyBoy use the main branch of your repository you cant stop there and just take ``main`` as your ```dataBranchName`` However, if you want to make another branch, then click on **Current branch**, type in the new branch name and click on **Create new branch**. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot5.png 3. Click on **Publish branch** and get your **new branch name** as ``dataBranchName`` .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot6.png ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Git Command |:man_technologist:| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. So if you want to go with brute force, go on whatever **shell** you wanna use. ``cd`` into the directory you want to clone your repository to. Then launch this command ``git clone $REPO_SSH_LINK|$REPO_HTTP_LINK``. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot7.png 2. ``cd`` into your repository, ``git branch $BRANCH_NAME``, and ``git push -u origin $BRANCH_NAME``. .. image:: _static/repo_keys/screenshot8.png 3. You're good to go, take ``$BRANCH_NAME`` as your ``dataBranchName``.