Cross-Platform Modern Graphics Engine
No Matches
venom::vulkan::Sampler Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Sampler (const Sampler &other)=delete
Sampleroperator= (const Sampler &other)=delete
 Sampler (Sampler &&other)
Sampleroperator= (Sampler &&other)
void SetMagFilter (VkFilter magFilter)
void SetMinFilter (VkFilter minFilter)
void SetMipmapMode (VkSamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode)
void SetAddressModeU (VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeU)
void SetAddressModeV (VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeV)
void SetAddressModeW (VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeW)
void SetMipLodBias (float mipLodBias)
void SetAnisotropyEnable (VkBool32 anisotropyEnable)
void SetMaxAnisotropy (float maxAnisotropy)
void SetCompareEnable (VkBool32 compareEnable)
void SetCompareOp (VkCompareOp compareOp)
void SetMinLod (float minLod)
void SetMaxLod (float maxLod)
void SetBorderColor (VkBorderColor borderColor)
void SetUnnormalizedCoordinates (VkBool32 unnormalizedCoordinates)
void SetCreateInfo (const VkSamplerCreateInfo &createInfo)
vc::Error Create ()
VkSampler GetVkSampler () const
 operator VkSampler () const

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