Cross-Platform Modern Graphics Engine
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venom::vulkan Namespace Reference

Encapsulation of Vulkan for the front end of VenomEngine. More...


class  Allocator
class  AttachmentsManager
class  Buffer
class  CommandBuffer
 Command Buffer class, only instanciable by VulkanCommandPool. To use them, you need to create a VulkanCommandPool and then create/access them via VulkanCommandPool. To make sure destruction and memory is handled in a correct way for command buffers, only VulkanCommandPool should own them. More...
class  CommandPool
class  CommandPoolManager
class  DebugApplication
class  DescriptorPool
class  DescriptorSet
class  DescriptorSetGroup
 Regroups descriptor sets by frame, so if updates have to be done by group, they will be done on the group directly. More...
class  DescriptorSetGroupAllocator
class  DescriptorSetLayout
class  Fence
class  Framebuffer
class  Image
class  ImageView
class  Instance
class  LogicalDevice
class  MappedQueueFamilies
class  PhysicalDevice
class  Queue
class  QueueFamily
class  QueueManager
struct  QueueManagerSettings
class  RenderPass
class  Sampler
class  Semaphore
class  SingleTimeCommandBuffer
class  StorageBuffer
class  Surface
class  SwapChain
class  UniformBuffer
class  VertexBuffer
class  VulkanApplication
class  VulkanCamera
class  VulkanGraphicsPlugin
class  VulkanGUI
class  VulkanMaterial
class  VulkanMesh
class  VulkanModel
class  VulkanModelResource
class  VulkanRenderingPipeline
class  VulkanShaderPipeline
class  VulkanShaderResource
class  VulkanShaderResourceTable
class  VulkanSkybox
class  VulkanTexture
class  VulkanTextureResource


typedef uint32_t QueueFamilyIndex
typedef std::vector< uint32_t > QueueFamilyIndices
typedef VertexBuffer IndexBuffer


enum class  PipelineType : uint32_t { Graphics = 0 , Compute = 1 , RayTracing = 2 }


MappedQueueFamilies getVulkanQueueFamilies (const PhysicalDevice &physicalDevice)
VkFormat GetVkFormatFromShaderVertexFormat (const vc::ShaderVertexFormat format)

Detailed Description

Encapsulation of Vulkan for the front end of VenomEngine.