| DescriptorSet (const DescriptorSet &other)=default |
DescriptorSet & | operator= (const DescriptorSet &other)=default |
| DescriptorSet (DescriptorSet &&other) noexcept=default |
DescriptorSet & | operator= (DescriptorSet &&other) noexcept=default |
void | Update (const VkWriteDescriptorSet &write) |
void | UpdateBuffer (UniformBuffer &buffer, uint32_t bufferOffset, uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, uint32_t descriptorCount, uint32_t arrayElement=0) |
void | UpdateBuffer (StorageBuffer &buffer, uint32_t bufferOffset, uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, uint32_t descriptorCount, uint32_t arrayElement=0) |
void | UpdateTexture (const VulkanTexture *texture, uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, uint32_t descriptorCount, uint32_t arrayElement=0) |
void | UpdateSampler (const Sampler &sampler, uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, uint32_t descriptorCount, uint32_t arrayElement=0) |
void | UpdateImageView (const ImageView &imageView, uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, uint32_t descriptorCount, uint32_t arrayElement=0) |
const VkDescriptorSet & | GetVkDescriptorSet () const |
const VkDescriptorSet * | GetVkDescriptorSetPtr () const |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /Users/kevinpruvost/Bossing/Perso/VenomEngine/lib/vulkan/include/venom/vulkan/DescriptorSet.h
- /Users/kevinpruvost/Bossing/Perso/VenomEngine/lib/vulkan/src/DescriptorSet.cc