

Converts the data from the ["Date", "Price"] to wanted interval period prices.

Watch for the PriceData DataFrame and the BollingerData Dataframe for more details.


class GBDataMachine. GBDataMachine ( data : Optional [ pandas.core.generic.NDFrame ] = None , interval : int = 15 , movingAverageSize : int = 30 )
append ( epochTime : float , price : float , shouldPrint : bool = False )

Appends new (epochTime, price) into the Dataframes.

  • epochTime ( float ) – timestamp of the price

  • price ( float ) – price

appendDataframe ( dataFrame : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame )

Same as parseToInterval but with a different name

appendFilename ( fileName : str )

Appends a file into the data machine.


fileName ( str ) – name of the file

appendFormated ( date : float , open : float , high : float , low : float , close : float )

Appends an already formated row to the data machine

  • date ( float ) – epoch time in seconds

  • open ( float ) – open price

  • high ( float ) – high price

  • low ( float ) – low price

  • close ( float ) – close price

convertForGraphicViews ( )

Convert data and format it for GraphViewer .


(DataFrame containing data for Plot 1, Same for Plot 2)

Return type

(pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame)

currentBollingerValue ( )

Prints the current/last bollinger value

classmethod fromDataframe ( data : pandas.core.generic.NDFrame , interval : int = 15 , movingAverageSize : int = 30 )

Constructor starting from a filename.

  • data ( gen.NDFrame ) – Structure containing prices and dates.

  • interval ( int ) – Time gap between each price (in min).

  • movingAverageSize ( int ) – Number of data taken into account to calculate a moving average.

classmethod fromFilename ( fileName : str , interval : int = 15 , movingAverageSize : int = 30 )

Constructor starting from a filename.

  • fileName ( str ) – Name of the file containing the data.

  • interval ( int ) – Time gap between each price (in min).

  • movingAverageSize ( int ) – Number of data taken into account to calculate a moving average.

intervalClosed ( )

Returns if an iteration has just been closed

lastPrice ( )

Returns the last close price

memoryUsage ( )

Returns memory usage


memory usage

Return type


parseToInterval ( data : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame )

Parses the given dataframe to the data machine


data ( pandas.DataFrame ) – dataframe containing the dates and prices

printPrices ( )

Prints prices data

update ( shouldPrint : bool = False )

Updates the GBDataMachine and computes bollinger bands, moving averages, …


shouldPrint ( bool ) – specify if the updates operations should be displayed or not