Cross-Platform Modern Graphics Engine
No Matches
venom::common Namespace Reference

High-Level Frontend of the VenomEngine project. It also contains all the code shared between every APIs/Dynamic Libraries. But most importantly, that is where the abstraction is setup for the different APIs contained in this project. Use the alias 'vc' to access the namespace. More...


class  BindlessTexturesIdManager
class  Camera
 Camera class Classic layout with position, rotation and projection matrices. More...
class  CameraImpl
class  Config
class  Context
class  DLL
 Contains a shared library handle and provides a way to get symbols from it, can only be created through DLL::Create() More...
class  DLL_Cache
 Holds all DLLs loaded in memory unless explicitly unloaded/deleted. Only instantiable by VenomEngine as it must not be deleted before all DLLs are unloaded. And also to centralize every wannabe singletons into one. More...
class  ECS
 Entity Component System Will mainly encapsulate the fabulous flecs library ( This class will be contained in the VenomEngine class. More...
class  EXR_TextureLoader
class  FpsCounter
class  GraphicsApplication
class  GraphicsCachedResource
 Base class for cached resources. More...
class  GraphicsCachedResourceHolder
 Base class for cached resource holders. More...
class  GraphicsPlugin
class  GraphicsPluginObject
 Base class for graphics plugin objects. More...
class  GraphicsSettings
class  GUI
class  IPluginObject
class  Light
class  LightManager
struct  LightShaderStruct
class  Log
class  Material
class  MaterialComponent
 MaterialComponent Contains all the data of a material component. More...
class  MaterialImpl
class  MemoryPool
 MemoryPool class to manage memory allocation and deallocation. For now, it's just a wrapper around memory C functions. More...
class  Mesh
 Contains all the mesh's data and is the main high-level interface for the user. More...
class  MeshImpl
class  Model
 Contains all the mesh's data and is the main high-level interface for the user. More...
class  ModelImpl
class  ModelResource
class  Plugin
class  PluginManager
class  PluginObject
 Base class for all the plugin objects Objects that will be loaded from the plugins as their implementations lie there As a user of VenomEngine, you should not care about that, unless you plan to create your own plugin. More...
class  PluginObjectContainer
 Container for the PluginObjectImplWrapper Important to avoid it from loading the PluginObjectImpl if not needed e.g. if the object is optional. More...
class  PluginObjectImpl
 Interface for the PluginObject different implementations. More...
class  PluginObjectImplWrapper
 Wrapper for the PluginObjectImpl, inherited by classes like Model or Mesh to make them usable as components (for ECS) and hold the Graphics API specific implementation. More...
class  RenderingPipeline
 Interface with shader pipelines and shader settings. More...
class  RenderingPipelineImpl
class  Resources
class  ShaderPipeline
class  ShaderPipelineImpl
class  ShaderResource
class  ShaderResourceTable
class  Skybox
class  SkyboxImpl
class  Stbi_TextureLoader
class  Texture
class  TextureImpl
class  TextureLoader
class  TextureResource
class  Timer
class  Transform3D
class  VenomEngine
 Main class of the engine This class will be the main entry point of the engine. It will contain all the main components of the engine, as singleton are harder to manage, especially for unit tests and memory management. More...
class  VenomSettings


concept  ValidGraphicsCachedResource
concept  ValidGraphicsCachedResourceHolder


template<typename T >
using Vector = std::vector<T>
template<typename T >
using Stack = std::stack<T>
template<typename T , size_t N>
using Array = std::array<T, N>
template<typename T , typename U >
using Map = std::map<T, U>
template<typename T , typename U >
using UMap = std::unordered_map<T, U>
typedef flecs::entity Entity
template<typename T >
using Component = flecs::component<T>
typedef flecs::system System
typedef void(* GUIDrawCallback) ()
typedef int GUIWindowFlags
typedef int GUIColorEditFlags
typedef int GUIComboFlags
typedef int GUISelectableFlags
typedef vc::Vector< ShaderPipelineShaderPipelineList
template<typename T >
using WPtr = std::weak_ptr<T>
template<typename T >
using SPtr = std::shared_ptr<T>
template<typename T >
using UPtr = std::unique_ptr<T>
using String = std::string
typedef void(* SceneCallback) ()
typedef void(* LoopCallback) ()
typedef void(* InputCallback) (Context *)


enum  InputState : int8_t { Released = 0x1 , Pressed = 0x2 , Repeat = 0x4 , Unknown = 0x8 }
enum  KeyboardInput {
  KeyboardUnknown = 0 , KeyboardA = 1 , KeyboardB = 2 , KeyboardC = 3 ,
  KeyboardD = 4 , KeyboardE = 5 , KeyboardF = 6 , KeyboardG = 7 ,
  KeyboardH = 8 , KeyboardI = 9 , KeyboardJ = 10 , KeyboardK = 11 ,
  KeyboardL = 12 , KeyboardM = 13 , KeyboardN = 14 , KeyboardO = 15 ,
  KeyboardP = 16 , KeyboardQ = 17 , KeyboardR = 18 , KeyboardS = 19 ,
  KeyboardT = 20 , KeyboardU = 21 , KeyboardV = 22 , KeyboardW = 23 ,
  KeyboardX = 24 , KeyboardY = 25 , KeyboardZ = 26 , Keyboard0 = 27 ,
  Keyboard1 = 28 , Keyboard2 = 29 , Keyboard3 = 30 , Keyboard4 = 31 ,
  Keyboard5 = 32 , Keyboard6 = 33 , Keyboard7 = 34 , Keyboard8 = 35 ,
  Keyboard9 = 36 , KeyboardEscape = 37 , KeyboardEnter = 38 , KeyboardTab = 39 ,
  KeyboardBackspace = 40 , KeyboardInsert = 41 , KeyboardDelete = 42 , KeyboardRight = 43 ,
  KeyboardLeft = 44 , KeyboardDown = 45 , KeyboardUp = 46 , KeyboardPageUp = 47 ,
  KeyboardPageDown = 48 , KeyboardHome = 49 , KeyboardEnd = 50 , KeyboardCapsLock = 51 ,
  KeyboardScrollLock = 52 , KeyboardNumLock = 53 , KeyboardPrintScreen = 54 , KeyboardPause = 55 ,
  KeyboardF1 = 56 , KeyboardF2 = 57 , KeyboardF3 = 58 , KeyboardF4 = 59 ,
  KeyboardF5 = 60 , KeyboardF6 = 61 , KeyboardF7 = 62 , KeyboardF8 = 63 ,
  KeyboardF9 = 64 , KeyboardF10 = 65 , KeyboardF11 = 66 , KeyboardF12 = 67 ,
  KeyboardF13 = 68 , KeyboardF14 = 69 , KeyboardF15 = 70 , KeyboardF16 = 71 ,
  KeyboardF17 = 72 , KeyboardF18 = 73 , KeyboardF19 = 74 , KeyboardF20 = 75 ,
  KeyboardF21 = 76 , KeyboardF22 = 77 , KeyboardF23 = 78 , KeyboardF24 = 79 ,
  KeyboardF25 = 80 , KeyboardKP0 = 81 , KeyboardKP1 = 82 , KeyboardKP2 = 83 ,
  KeyboardKP3 = 84 , KeyboardKP4 = 85 , KeyboardKP5 = 86 , KeyboardKP6 = 87 ,
  KeyboardKP7 = 88 , KeyboardKP8 = 89 , KeyboardKP9 = 90 , KeyboardKPDecimal = 91 ,
  KeyboardKPDivide = 92 , KeyboardKPMultiply = 93 , KeyboardKPSubtract = 94 , KeyboardKPAdd = 95 ,
  KeyboardKPEnter = 96 , KeyboardKPEqual = 97 , KeyboardLeftShift = 98 , KeyboardLeftControl = 99 ,
  KeyboardLeftAlt = 100 , KeyboardLeftSuper = 101 , KeyboardRightShift = 102 , KeyboardRightControl = 103 ,
  KeyboardRightAlt = 104 , KeyboardRightSuper = 105 , KeyboardMenu = 106 , KeyboardSpace = 107 ,
  KeyboardApostrophe = 108 , KeyboardComma = 109 , KeyboardMinus = 110 , KeyboardPeriod = 111 ,
  KeyboardSlash = 112 , KeyboardSemicolon = 113 , KeyboardEqual = 114 , KeyboardLeftBracket = 115 ,
  KeyboardBackslash = 116 , KeyboardRightBracket = 117 , KeyboardGraveAccent = 118 , KeyboardWorld1 = 119 ,
  KeyboardWorld2 = 120 , KeyboardTotal
enum  KeyboardModifier { KeyboardModShift = 0x0001 , KeyboardModControl = 0x0002 , KeyboardModAlt = 0x0004 , KeyboardModSuper = 0x0008 }
enum  MouseButton {
  MouseButton1 = 0 , MouseButton2 = 1 , MouseButton3 = 2 , MouseButton4 = 3 ,
  MouseButton5 = 4 , MouseButton6 = 5 , MouseButton7 = 6 , MouseButton8 = 7 ,
  MouseButtonLast = MouseButton8 , MouseButtonLeft = MouseButton1 , MouseButtonRight = MouseButton2 , MouseButtonMiddle = MouseButton3 ,
enum class  LightType { Directional = 0 , Point = 1 , Spot = 2 }
enum  GUIWindowFlagsBits {
  WindowFlags_None = 0 , WindowFlags_NoTitleBar = 1 << 0 , WindowFlags_NoResize = 1 << 1 , WindowFlags_NoMove = 1 << 2 ,
  WindowFlags_NoScrollbar = 1 << 3 , WindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse = 1 << 4 , WindowFlags_NoCollapse = 1 << 5 , WindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6 ,
  WindowFlags_NoBackground = 1 << 7 , WindowFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 8 , WindowFlags_NoMouseInputs = 1 << 9 , WindowFlags_MenuBar = 1 << 10 ,
  WindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar = 1 << 11 , WindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing = 1 << 12 , WindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus = 1 << 13 , WindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar = 1 << 14 ,
  WindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar =1<< 15 , WindowFlags_NoNavInputs = 1 << 16 , WindowFlags_NoNavFocus = 1 << 17 , WindowFlags_UnsavedDocument = 1 << 18 ,
  WindowFlags_NoNav = WindowFlags_NoNavInputs | WindowFlags_NoNavFocus , WindowFlags_NoDecoration = WindowFlags_NoTitleBar | WindowFlags_NoResize | WindowFlags_NoScrollbar | WindowFlags_NoCollapse , WindowFlags_NoInputs = WindowFlags_NoMouseInputs | WindowFlags_NoNavInputs | WindowFlags_NoNavFocus , WindowFlags_ChildWindow = 1 << 24 ,
  WindowFlags_Tooltip = 1 << 25 , WindowFlags_Popup = 1 << 26 , WindowFlags_Modal = 1 << 27 , WindowFlags_ChildMenu = 1 << 28
enum  GUIColorEditFlagsBits {
  GUIColorEditFlags_None = 0 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoAlpha = 1 << 1 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoPicker = 1 << 2 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoOptions = 1 << 3 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_NoSmallPreview = 1 << 4 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 5 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 6 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoLabel = 1 << 7 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_NoSidePreview = 1 << 8 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop = 1 << 9 , GUIColorEditFlags_NoBorder = 1 << 10 , GUIColorEditFlags_AlphaBar = 1 << 16 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_AlphaPreview = 1 << 17 , GUIColorEditFlags_AlphaPreviewHalf = 1 << 18 , GUIColorEditFlags_HDR = 1 << 19 , GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB = 1 << 20 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV = 1 << 21 , GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayHex = 1 << 22 , GUIColorEditFlags_Uint8 = 1 << 23 , GUIColorEditFlags_Float = 1 << 24 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar = 1 << 25 , GUIColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel = 1 << 26 , GUIColorEditFlags_InputRGB = 1 << 27 , GUIColorEditFlags_InputHSV = 1 << 28 ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_DefaultOptions_ = GUIColorEditFlags_Uint8 | GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | GUIColorEditFlags_InputRGB | GUIColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar , GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayMask_ = GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV | GUIColorEditFlags_DisplayHex , GUIColorEditFlags_DataTypeMask_ = GUIColorEditFlags_Uint8 | GUIColorEditFlags_Float , GUIColorEditFlags_PickerMask_ = GUIColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel | GUIColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar ,
  GUIColorEditFlags_InputMask_ = GUIColorEditFlags_InputRGB | GUIColorEditFlags_InputHSV
enum  GuiComboFlagsBits {
  GUIComboFlags_None = 0 , GUIComboFlags_PopupAlignLeft = 1 << 0 , GUIComboFlags_HeightSmall = 1 << 1 , GUIComboFlags_HeightRegular = 1 << 2 ,
  GUIComboFlags_HeightLarge = 1 << 3 , GUIComboFlags_HeightLargest = 1 << 4 , GUIComboFlags_NoArrowButton = 1 << 5 , GUIComboFlags_NoPreview = 1 << 6 ,
  GUIComboFlags_WidthFitPreview = 1 << 7 , GUIComboFlags_HeightMask_ = GUIComboFlags_HeightSmall | GUIComboFlags_HeightRegular | GUIComboFlags_HeightLarge | GUIComboFlags_HeightLargest
enum  GUISelectableFlagsBits {
  GUISelectableFlags_None = 0 , GUISelectableFlags_NoAutoClosePopups = 1 << 0 , GUISelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns = 1 << 1 , GUISelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick = 1 << 2 ,
  GUISelectableFlags_Disabled = 1 << 3 , GUISelectableFlags_AllowOverlap = 1 << 4 , GUISelectableFlags_Highlight = 1 << 5
enum  MaterialComponentType {
 MaterialComponentType Contains all the possible components of a material that VenomEngine can handle.
enum  MaterialComponentValueType {
 MaterialComponentValueType Contains all the possible value types of a material component.
enum class  RenderingPipelineType {
  None = -1 , GUI = 0 , Text3D , ShadowModel ,
  Skybox , Count
enum class  ShaderVertexFormat {
  Float , Vec2 , Vec3 , Vec4 ,
  Int , IVec2 , IVec3 , IVec4 ,
  Uint , UVec2 , UVec3 , UVec4 ,
  Mat2 , Mat3 , Mat4
enum  ColorAttachmentType {
  Present = 0 , NormalSpecular = 1 , MetallicRougnessAO = 2 , Position = 3 ,
  Depth = 4 , Count
enum class  PluginType { Graphics = 0 , TotalCount }


Entity CreatePrefab (const char *name)
Entity CreateEntity (const char *name)
Entity CreateEntity ()
template<typename T >
Component< T > GetComponent ()
VENOM_COMMON_API void setErrorString (const char *str)
template<typename... Args>
void setErrorString (const char *fmt, Args &&... args)
VENOM_COMMON_API const char * getErrorString ()
template<typename ... Args>
String format (const char *fmt, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
T * LoadPluginFromNameAndType (const std::string &libName, const char *functionName)
TextureLoaderCreateTextureLoader (const char *path)


enum VENOM_COMMON_API Failure = 1 << 0
enum VENOM_COMMON_API InvalidArgument = 1 << 1
enum VENOM_COMMON_API OutOfMemory = 1 << 2
enum VENOM_COMMON_API DeviceLost = 1 << 3
enum VENOM_COMMON_API InitializationFailed = 1 << 4
enum VENOM_COMMON_API InvalidUse = 1 << 5
enum VENOM_COMMON_API FeatureNotSupported = 1 << 6

Detailed Description

High-Level Frontend of the VenomEngine project. It also contains all the code shared between every APIs/Dynamic Libraries. But most importantly, that is where the abstraction is setup for the different APIs contained in this project. Use the alias 'vc' to access the namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GUIColorEditFlagsBits

Color edit flags based on GUIColorEditFlagsBits_ (based on GUI 1.91.5)

◆ GUIWindowFlagsBits

Window flags based on GUIWindowFlagsBits_ (based on GUI 1.91.5)